Greensboro's Best Solar Control Window Film Services

Let the sunshine in. These films tame heat, help reduce fading, and save energy.


You don’t have to hide behind heavy curtains or room-darkening shades for relief from the sun. Keep your home bright and open to outdoor views with our solar films. They reflect away harsh UV rays, heat and glare, noticeably improving comfort and helping protect furnishings. Varying levels of insulation help keep energy use under control in any climate, too.

Our solar window films also do nice things for your home’s exterior. You can maintain your current look or update it, with options from clear to tinted and even mirrored.


Windows are the soul of a building, and today’s architectural designs have evolved to reflect this, using more and more glass. While this satisfies a true human desire for natural light, it also has a downside: less protection from solar heat, glare, and harmful UV rays. Our solar window films allow you to maintain the beautiful benefits of windows without making sacrifices. By filtering much of the solar spectrum, window film technology contributes to overall productivity, satisfaction and happiness. Plus, films are less expensive than window replacement and won’t darken rooms or hide desirable views. Explore our full range of products to find the ideal solar film solution for your building.

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